Bloods and Other Tests
Blood tests
Patients can book in for a blood test on the recommendation of the doctor. Your GP may decide that a blood test is necessary to help in making a diagnosis or as part of a review or update regarding an existing condition. Blood tests are carried out by the Practice Nurse or phlebotomist every morning Monday to Friday. When your blood test has been completed, it is sent to the laboratory for processing. The results are available approximately seven days later. You should contact the surgery to check if the results have been received and reviewed by a GP.
Blood pressure monitoring
Should your GP recommend it, we can provide 24-hour blood pressure monitoring equipment that records your blood pressure over a period of 24 hours. At the end of the monitoring period, the equipment will provide data about the performance of your blood pressure. The results will then be reviewed by the Doctor and any follow-up actions, including changes to medication or treatment will be discussed with you.
Cervical Smear Tests/HPV
Regular HPV/Cervical Check are an essential part of cervical cancer prevention. This service is free to women between the ages of 25 and 65 and supported by The National Cervical Screening Programme, CervicalCheck Ireland. You can register online at Please bring your letter Id number with you. You can attend for this test at any stage so long as you are not bleeding.
Diabetic Clinic
This clinic is run by the practice nurse in conjunction with a specialist diabetic nurse from Beaumont for patients with type 2 (mature onset) diabetes. It is open to all patients with type 2 diabetes, no matter which hospital or none, they may have attended.
The practice nurse calls the registered patients for a review. She carries out routine blood tests like blood sugar, HbA1C, kidney and liver function tests: she checks blood pressure: monitors circulation and sensation in patients’ feet, gives dietetic advice: she reviews patients monitoring of their blood glucose: ensures referral/review at other clinics / outpatients / consultants. This is covered (excluding bloods) if you hold a medical card otherwise there is a charge.
An ECG is a machine which measures the electrical activity of your heart. The doctor may recommend an ECG test for you for symptoms such as chest pain and palpitations. The test can be carried out for a range of reasons to assess your heart health. The test is carried out by the practice nurse and the result is evaluated by the GP and any follow-up actions will be discussed with you.